Shortening the school day by even an hour or two can allow a district to save dramatically on its utility costs. For the Cove School District in Eastern Oregon, the school day begins at 8am and doesnt end until 4pm. The driving force behind the proposal to lengthen the school day is the assertion that more instructional time would yield greater academic gains. Does this sound exciting and rich with possibilities? In 2006, a study by Yarbrough and Gilman found that teachers working in a 5-day school schedule reported that they have a lot of wasted time. For the parents of younger students, an additional full day of daycare may need to be scheduled every week instead of a partial day. There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to each. 4. These crimes occurred all during the week, You have a lifespan that is nine years less than people who graduate: Statistically, you may have a shorter lifespan than people who have gone to school and have been empowered. But just because the final bell rang doesnt mean that youre done. It also means that certain holiday vacations, such as Thanksgiving, are extended to a full week, and that can be a scheduling concern for many families. Shorter days can only be seen as a positive thing and would benefit students, teacher, and administrators. Students are engaged more fully when their school schedule is expanded, and they learn more efficiently when they are exposed to a more stimulating environment. More rest then equates to dealing with less stress over the course of a school year. Despite the fact that a few studies have recently been published, there is no significant research on the four-day school week. 4 Day School Week Pros and Cons. When I was a teacher, many moons ago, this was a fringe schooling schedule only practiced by rural school districts. They dont usually run wild on the last day of school, instead working, making phone calls, or spending time with family. Over the course of their first year on this new schedule, they reported that the frequency of discipline referrals for their students dropped by 73%. Many companies have found that when workers are able to work a schedule which suits their needs, letting them work how they like, then their workers are more productive. Another is that shorter days could lead to shorter attention spans in classrooms. It matches the class schedule to a parent's work schedule. Teachers report It requires longer school days. The reason why school districts are going to a 4 day school week is to save money and the states that you see switching to a 4 days are states that have economic problems such as Oklahoma. Thats two hours of lost time for farm chores, homework, or other responsibilities that rural families have more often than urban or suburban families. Many schools are, in fact, offering year-round services now to accommodate the changing needs of their communities. NEA Today: A 9 to 5 School Day: Are Longer Hours Better for Students and Educators? It is critical to avoid producing a longer school day and instead produce a healthier, more balanced, and more engaging one. In 1995, 84 school districts were studied that had already implemented a 4-day school week. Savings on school buses and long-term building wear and tear have also been reported. One issue that schools face today is what kind of school schedule there should be throughout the year. Extending the school days even longer would further cut into valuable time to bond with family. Those changes happen because students who are active participants in their learning have more fun in school. School administration, associates with principal office also went down. Others believe that lengthening the school day is an expensive endeavor that wont yield substantial results. Most parents work a 5-day schedule and struggle to adapt to a 4-day school schedule. manageable in a myriad of ways. Colorado has nearly three-quarters of its school districts on a four-day schedule. In the Article by Lisa Lewis, it also talks about how delaying school by 1 hour produces the same benefit as shrinking class size by one-third or replacing a teacher in the 50th percentile of effectiveness with one in the 84th percentile.(Lewis). The move toward a shorter workweek is gaining momentum. Moving to the 4-day schedule shifts student movement patterns, reducing the number of lost transition minutes. Since the approach to curriculum development and pedagogical style varies by state and district, data must be disaggregated to evaluate specific impact. Most students, especially younger ones, find that the traditional school schedule is already too long. Many school The Oakridge School District in Oregon reported that their test scores improved when they shifted to this alternative schedule as well. Other concerns with early school start times and the resulting insufficient sleep include: Increased likelihood for participating in risk-taking behaviors, such as bullying and fighting. Students usually go to school about 6 hours each day in most districts. Because the four-day school week has only been around for a decade or so, we simply dont have enough time, data, or research to make a definitive declaration. The majority of these are found in the western United States, including Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Colorado, and Oklahoma, Thompson said. This can be due to a lack of accessible facilities and resources, or negative attitudes and misconceptions from teachers and classmates. Opportunity to relax and really immerse yourself in the experience. 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With short school days, students can devote a fair share of time to other meaningful areas in their life, such as socializing and simply being a kid. Students with less sleep have difficulty paying attention in class and are likely to have lower grades. They can supervise their children at the bus stop in rural districts as well. This means students in a district with this alternative schedule get out later for the holidays than students on the traditional Monday-Friday schedule. It may improve overall student attendance. According to author accounts, teachers and students suffer as a result of recess being taken away as a punishment for behavior. Changing the Moniteau County R-1 School districts schedule to a four-day week would be detrimental to students safety and involvement in activities. NOTE : The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Delaying school start times has been shown to have positive outcomes for students and families in overwhelming scientific research. . This provided the teacher with more freedom with curriculum and time management. Spread the loveGlobalization is the growing interconnectedness of countries around the world. Spread the loveAfrican Africans have a long history of being mistreated in the United States, starting with slavery. They can explore and discover various hobbies and interests, maintain their stress levels and get more sleep. The challenges of implementing such a schedule for parents, administrators, and even some teachers have caused some Colorado school districts to return to the traditional schedule instead of the alternative 4-day schedule. Con: Not all students need one-on-one assistance, and some may even experience boredom or burnout from the extended school day. Fuel, oil, salaries, and supervisory costs can be, A lot of parents are shaking their heads at the consideration of a four-day school week, and a longer school day. Wildbit, a company based in the US, a portion of whose workforce works remotely, tested the 4-day week to see whether the shorter working hours will affect employee productivity. It may reduce the number of discipline referrals for students. The It is a program for mostly rural and small school districts. Despite these difficulties, many disabled students go on to lead successful and fulfilling lives. They balk at the idea of kids attending schools with no summer break. Pros and Cons of a Shorter Workweek. Over the course of a 2-year period on this alternative schedule, they reported up to a 20% increase in student attendance. Better sleep: Delayed start time could help teens sleep during . time attracting qualified applicants. Easier to recruit employees. Granby School District in Colorado shifted to a 4-day schedule for their 1,100 students. Other pros and cons exist in the school lunch debate. Year-round schooling has been proposed as a better option for students than a traditional 9-month schedule. Spread the loveThis program assesses 15-year-old students schooling in countries that form part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Sports schedules are easier to manage. How do longer school days affect students? 2. These actions often negate the benefits of the 3-day weekend because it really isnt a true 3-day weekend. As you can see, there are a lot of pros and cons to the 4-day school week, but in terms of its long-term effect on academic outcomes, the jury is still out. Students will have extra time outside of school to devote to other essential elements of their life as a result of this change. Other popular year-round schedules are the 60-20 and 90-30 calendars, where students are in class for 60 or 90 days with vacations of 20 or 30 days respectively. The Pros and Cons to Longer School Days. First, it would give students more time to focus on their homework and studies outside of school. There are potential reductions in the financial costs of running a school district. But the extra money hasn't gone into teachers' salaries, which have dropped on average from . It takes about 4-years for schools to get these students back on track academically. Long school days can cause eating problems for students who don't eat at school, or who use up all their energy while learning. It is critical to maintain a consistent schedule and not change it on a weekly basis in order to give students the best chance of success. The disadvantage is that more time does not equate to more learning. What are the pros and cons for students, teachers and school boards? Over the last century, humans have acquired a staggering amount of knowledge and understanding. What are the pros and cons of shorter school week? A change in schedule is an adjustment for school officials, students and families. Over the next three years, the school district was able to save 2% on their overall costs each year, for a total of $200,000. Spread the loveWe all have our heroes. Shorter Classes: Depending on your school's summer schedule, you can complete a semester's worth of work in eight, five, or even three weeks. In general, taking away recess as punishment may be seen as unfair or too harsh, especially for young children. Taking only one class is practically a . Although the final outcome was beneficial the origins of the extended day was not welcomed. Changing the times could increase attendance by 1%, which could bring in $40 million more. The pros and cons of a 4-day school week offer many challenges. The current school schedule is a major downgrade from the 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM distance learning schedule. Teacher time will be increased when the school day is extended, allowing them to spend more time with pupils and to concentrate on problem areas and more challenging content. flexibility is why they are such staunch proponents of the 4-day school schedule. flexibility to teachers schedules and as a result, makes their jobs more Teacher time will be increased when the school day is extended, allowing them to spend more time with pupils and to concentrate on problem areas and more challenging content. Most school districts are sticking to the 5-day schedule. After analyzing Colorado schools operating on four-day school weeks, (Dam) reports that transportation costs can be reduced by 20%. Advantage: More time for other subjects. Pros and cons of shorter work weeks.