evaluating reconstruction quizlet

Although the Lost Cause narrative argued that Grant's presidency had been a complete failure, more recent scholarship has attempted to reevaluate his legacy in a more balanced manner, highlighting both the accomplishments and shortcomings of his eight years in office. Explain your choice. WebQuiz The 1863 Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction proposed A plan for Radical Reconstruction The Ten-Percent Plan The Fifty-Percent Plan Andrew Johnsons Plan for Reconstruction Why did Congress reject Louisianas new constitution in 1864? They were more familiar with the places where most battles occured. Which of the following best summarizes President Lincolns attitude toward the policies and process of Reconstruction? hVKo@+{l>[" mD1j*E9Uvwf]R0p#\hXbX@" kB" z5:w[*aUwiD2[Av4ft?eSdMN'Vm'yl9/fh-5E"$tXM_=?)[1ZX&/rW-]gK@0Xmzf7+U-"jE1ENM|:2!US.N,'(g({e]a]X`6K(R(:eFF| hwAocF@s00Zm/~;?VJoI(s` }L 6k'pU]sT@VY&Cv; XH8FgCL=rM5Ax6Kv$8u#+8>&`v ? In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President. What paragraph clues help you determine the possible meaning of the word? WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like sharecropping, Freedman's Bureau, Wade-Davis Plan and more. endstream endobj 115 0 obj <>stream Ulysses S. Grant was confronted with these momentous questions upon his election to the presidency in 1868. Who were the Exodusters? No. hWO0Gx`*Bi1 `ZS"%;;NS5J;|@@hHx4&"A $ #p H}AxChDGOB(9S,vcs:JI]V]WywIO{{AS !^}8;]:yNc0v*4Xqa`p k5 z2 9&+cr'~ IOV~=GHB:'*kXa=9r^baYz/1ag7F:,Ww AF;{zVV5S-l/"NZ|'Ol,U#dmCUGe^eE?Ze\mLFMeSZ`E#`jcj~Qm|V$vN81t~~b2[_\$#'b*$]t# The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Connected to this question were larger discussions about the rights of four million newly-freed African Americans, the extent to which former Confederates should be punished for their role in the war, the fulfillment of "Manifest Destiny" through westward expansion and settlement of Indian Country, and the meanings of freedom and justice in the United States. For all groups: The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, Group A: Excerpt from Frederick Douglass, Address to the Massachusetts Antislavery Society, April 1865, Group B: Letter from President Ulysses S. Grant to the Hon. What were the problems faced by the south after the Civil War? 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. Hayes would be president with the understanding that he would deal 'justly' with the south (leave them alone and allow them to restore white supremacy. CONTEXT: In the imaginary land of Wakanda, established landowners keep their power by maintaining private armies. A time of rebuilding the South after the Civil War to resolve the South's problems and bring it back into the Union What were the problems A Democrat and the only senator from the South who remained loyal to the Union, Johnson at first seemed ready to take a hard line against the former Confederacy. WebThe Military Reconstruction Act of 1867 Split ten former Confederate states (excluding Tennessee) into five military districts to be overseen by the U.S. military and mandated that _Rd~HYzA?NMDDJHojx,zZ gk3pi:A2!I,8X^78ZrT]RruNx6 Please wait while the activity loads. Stanton was suspended in August 1867 and replaced with Grant as an interim. Johnson wrote much of the Reconstruction legislation himself. With the assistance of original historical documents, students will consider the ways different perceptions from leading political figures about the outcomes of Reconstruction affected the political debate and the political future of the nation. It was drafted according to the Ten-Percent Plan It gave blacks the right to vote accomplished nothing, it was almost never enforced. Which group was still not aloud to vote? Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. Voter fatigue- northerners were tired of worrying about it and hearing about it. Though Republicans made quick and huge political gains in the South as newly enfranchised black voters rushed to their support, it was clear that the party and its ideals of peace through racial and sectional harmony on Republican terms remained unpopular with large segments of the populationparticularly with those who were disenfranchised because they could not take the oath or otherwise prove their loyalty to the Union. But in his first showdown with Congress upon being elected, Grant backed down and accepted a compromise proposal with the Senate even after the House had voted to join him in his opposition to the Act. These research assistants will evaluate a series of documents (which in this activity will substitute for live interviews) representing a variety of views concerning the direction of Reconstruction policy regarding voting rights and the impact these views had or should have had on the politics of the nation. All of the amendments were made to protect former slaves and their rights but on paper they did not have any rights. Losing the Civil War meant that the South would have to conform to the laws of the United States. #;ou20/. Sharecropping practices kept many African Americans in working conditions that werent a significant improvement over slavery. from your Reading List will also remove any What did the Black Codes indicate to the North? many had borrowed form the merchants who forclosed on them when they could not pay. WebReconstruction refers to the period 1) the period before the Civil War 2) the period after the Civil War 3) the era of civil rights movement 4) the era after the Revolutionary War 2. the More punitive actions against the South, Lincoln felt, would only make it harder to heal the divided nation. Things began to change socially, politically, and economically. When did reconstruction begin? Reconstruction lasted from the Civil War to 1877. During Civil War they had "rehearsals" for reconstruction in the Union-occupied south. Idea of black people being free began during the Civil War. The teacher may also want to point out that original documents, such as these, retain their original spelling and syntaxeven if incorrect. Did Congress like the 10% Plan? Lincoln's and Johnson's plans fundamentally different from the Radical Republican plan. xT+&DLeD It helped the Republicans seat more than 2/3 majority in the House and Congress. African Americans began to be elected to federal, state, and local governmental posts. While not generally used today, it was accepted usage (by both black and white writers) during this period and it is part of the historical record. What was the immediate cause of Johnson's impeachment? Over the next two years, partially due to the help of newly enfranchised African American male voters, all ten states complied with the Reconstruction Acts mandates. Take sample from your personal experience. Write the letter of the choice that gives the sentence a meaning that is closest to the original sentence. Finally, History Matters offers helpful pages on "Making Sense of Maps.". The Presidential Plans (Lincoln and Johnson), the Congressional The Civil Rights Act of 1866 defined citizenship and affirmed that all citizens are equally protected by the law. Once you are finished, click the button below. Segregation was legal, as long as the notion of separate but equal was being followed. While much progress could be seen in things like the exponential growth of railroads, even an optimistic reading of these barometers had to be tempered by an acknowledgement that doubling track mileage does not amount to much when the starting point was so low. Congress established a joint committee to review Reconstruction policy and set further conditions for readmitting states. It gave native born blacks citizenship. What was President Johnsons role in the period of Radical Reconstruction that took place in 1867 and 1868? "Z~(Y9I,$iA4rHR2y"xBCDx!uF$P=C|# instituted public school systems and did away with the property requirements for voting. plan was the easiest on the South? With an interactive map that combines statistics with the thoughts and ideas of people living through this difficult period, students will consider the ways in which efforts at recovery were either successful or disappointing. At the end of this lesson, each student should demonstrate his or her proficiency by doing one of the following: 1. In preparation for teaching this lesson, the teacher should review the entire lesson plan, including introductory background information. HU=s0+E{r\Ivtv($ *]L0/ u-HKX~9T Why Did Reconstruction Come to an End? Reconstruction came to an end as a direct result of too many Southerners opposing the reconstruction. Ryan read an exegesis of the cryptic poem because .. What is meant by the term Reconstruction? It is the year 1877 and, in the wake of the election of Rutherford B. Hayes, Union troops finally have been recalled from the South. corruption did not come to an end. To provide African Americans access to government services, To desegregate Southern society and institutions, To restrict the freedom of African Americans and ensure their availability as a cheap labor force, To repeal the slave codes that were in place before the war. Johnson deliberately removed himself from the decisions involving Reconstruction. Equality at the ballot box would be a work in progress for decades to come. Much of the South lay in ruins with that they had to keep the black vote in the south and protect black voting rights in order to win future elections. Compute the acceleration of the particle after 2 seconds -30. This helped to shape the national political debate for generations. To conclude, the Reconstruction was almost a complete failure. Return to slavery in a different way. Its members where southern whites that did not agree with the ideas of Reconstruction. @{/rd;G[F|!-DStuux2g>w2q}g=,~1tMEDuMz@hN Following the presentations, the teacher may also wish to lead the class in a discussion of the methodology of this activity, asking students to examine the ways in which maps, pictures, and original documents expanded their understanding of the topic. The Freedmen's Bureau helped most in the area of education. The effects of the Civil War and of Reconstructionparticularly in the Southcontinue to shape and to be a contentious subject in our politics today. For each group, briefly describe (in one paragraph) the primary motivations and objectives that moved them to action. The KKK wanted to move power in government back to the Democratic Party. The website Making Sense of Letters and Diaries is one such site. Copy of Evaluating Reconstruction Interactive Activity.docx, Karen-Hernandez_Evaluating_Reconstruction_Interactive_Activity, Evaluating Reconstruction Interactive Project.docx, Janmarco Ordonez Romero - Evaluating Reconstruction Interactive Project.pdf, Linh Ho - Reconstruction Notes Questions.docx, Deysha Macrae Reconstruction assignment.docx, HIS 121-W1 Ch. There were those who used their positions for exploitation. The House and Senate refused to seat southern delegates. 5. wealthy plantation owners and Confederate officials. Did black voting end in 1877 with the end of Reconstruction? Georgia, along with Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia, had to satisfy an additional condition: ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment, which prohibited the states from denying a citizen the right to vote because of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. the redeemers. Amnesty was granted to any southerner who took an oath of allegiance, with the exception of Confederate officials, officers, and wealthy landowners. Only in South Carolina. The Democratic Party was disbanded and replaced with a new, more liberal version of the Republican Party. In this sense Reconstruction failed not because of President Grant or even because of southern opposition to civil rights, but because an entire nation--North, South, and West--lost the political and moral will to support the cause of equality before the law. was a negative term Southerners adopted and gave to opportunistic and speculative Northerners who moved to the South during the Reconstruction Era, often seen as frauds. He believed that there would be no benefit to punishing southern states. Johnson versus Congress. The EDSITEment-reviewed sites Digital History and Documenting the American South offer a wide variety of documents concerning the effects of Reconstruction on the newly freed black population and Southern society, in general. Learning Objectives Evaluate the successes and The teacher may also wish to visit the two EDSITEment-reviewed websites mentioned above for additional background material concerning reconstruction: America's Reconstruction: People and Politics After the Civil War and Freedmen and Southern Society Project: Chronology of Emancipation. HUj@}WDn! Saliency maps reveal directly how much a change in each input pixel would affect reconstruction loss, while each pixel's reconstruction error may be attributed to many input pixels when layers are fully connected. Distinguish the central and driving ideas at work in the documents used to illustrate this lesson. It declared that all people born in the United States are entitled to be citizens without regard to race, color, or previous condition of slavery. Johnson appointed provisional governors and authorized them to set up state conventions, which in turn were charged with declaring secession illegal; repudiating Confederate debts; ratifying the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery in the United States; and scheduling elections. HUn0+(cj , @X! Select all that apply. Despite these violations of both the letter and spirit of his program, the president announced that Reconstruction was complete in December 1865. Johnson and Secretary of War Edwin Stanton were bitter enemies, and the president wanted to get rid of him. Historically, scholars have defined Reconstruction as having lasted from 1865 (the end of the American Civil War) until 1877, when a political compromise between the Republican and Democrat parties allowed for Republican Rutherford B. Hayes to become President of the United States on the condition that the last remaining federal troops in the South be removed. The term was used derisively by white Southern Democrats who opposed Reconstruction legislation. This meant that Southern governments frequently were in the hands of novices: for example, inexperienced (and sometimes illiterate) freedmen andworse yet, from the point of view of many Southern loyalistsNortherners who had moved in the wake of war to assist in the recovery effort. the amendment stating that all people born in the US have the same rights and are all born equal under the law. WebReconstruction Question 6 900 seconds Q. that he violated the Tenure of Office Act--by firing Sec of War Stanton. kcP`?=xI87eC{+Fj*?ya Ten Southern states were placed under the control of military leaders until such time as they passed the Fourteenth Amendment and put state constitutions in place that aligned with the United States Constitution. Reconstruction aimed to bring the southern states back into the Union, reestablish southern loyalty to the United States Constitution, integrate freed slaves into society, and repair the southern economy that no longer had the advantage of slave labor. This narrative was promoted by former Confederates, academics, and politicians alike and served to falsely provide an underlying ideology to justify denying equal rights. D. H. Chamberlain, Governor of South Carolina, Excerpt from Carl Schurz, speech in the Senate, Rutherford B. Hayes, letter of acceptance of the nomination for the Presidency, Excerpt from the testimony of Henry Blake, 1937. Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect. RZhC Women's groups withdrew support to work on woman's suffrage. wF.*is5oGYqUTsaqrY)$y, "beVv1=;"urk{k"56#UEli[EB9}qJ=YY@jOU{[89K,2M`` Underline each complement and indicate what kind of complement each one is. Under the Constitution, the House of Representatives acts as a grand jury in impeachment cases and determines whether there is enough evidence to bring an official to trial. endstream endobj startxref one of the closest races in American history. What did Johnson advise the southern states to do about the 14th amendment? Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# legislators that were elected to office in the South during Reconstruction? The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution officially abolished and continues to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. Ulysses S. Grant, Gen Commander of the Union forces in the Civil War. 109 0 obj <> endobj The states were allowed to ignore the Fourteenth Amendment. CAm? vague-treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors. The new legislation was passed in July over Johnson's veto. Question 11 30 seconds Q. Both African Americans and whites were part of the carpetbagger migration. There were also a number of members in Congress who were involved in the Crdit Mobilier scandal, which involved the Union Pacific Railroad and federal contracts for the first Transcontinental Railroad. To the north, it looked like slavery in a new form. Ex. Turn in their completed worksheets from Activities 1 and 2 for a grade. The Learning Page at the American Memory Project of the Library of Congress includes a set of activities to develop primary document skills. Share Croppers:Mostly Freedmen who had no tools or supplies, and worked, farmed, and lived on someone else's land. (113M Eph/LWNMK $r3R6W>44w9(Hct:@LN@@4H9O$T,\LuqDk9HMZ] 7l7{7eCUbMWmh"!baox]51Q"EF kRm'C*_@Q$VF*`C{:7v I"q{n]w)cqJ}q*6]d&5PhdSh3_|`k^Mq!U\:fqo,SI0L6-;jTS(WOC6"ZCx+5bo42+Pp;3:=BbXm)]IF Why of why not? Tradesmen hoping to take advantage of the vast number of construction contracts being offered to rebuild the war-torn South. Who did the Fifteenth Amendment formally grant the right to vote in 1870? Despite the passage of progressive new laws, racist attitudes prevented open access to employment, education, voting, and protection against violence. In actuality carpetbaggers were people who came down from the North to help freedmen and poor whites through the Freedmen's Bureau. As resistance and violence continued to spread in the South, Republican resolve began to weaken. Northern Republicans who moved down South, often with intentions of helping rebuild Southern society. the South divided into 5 military districts, Radical Republicans thought it was letting the South off too easily. Think. No. Exclusion of the last group reflected Johnson's hatred of the planter aristocracy rather than some condition that had to do with restoring the former Confederate states. The end of the war brought with it much devastation and, of course, those who knew how to turn devastation into opportunity. Why was the former Confederacy divided into military districts by the federal government? The impact of scandal on the national political debate was real. The Fifteenth Amendment was designed to allow all male citizens the right to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. This was a bold and progressive change to Americas Constitution, however feelings of racism persisted throughout the wounded nation. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Because of doubts about the constitutionality of the new Civil Rights Act, the congressional Joint Committee on Reconstruction drafted the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. The end of the Civil War found the nation without a settled Reconstruction policy. It formally brought the Southern states back into the Union. In any event, these Northern carpetbaggers were viewed as outsiders and exploiters by many who formerly had been loyal to the Confederacy. 422 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<265032BD191E80938A6ADD50CB5C2A09><70F37FA8EF8F2147B5D06180275EA241>]/Index[414 23]/Info 413 0 R/Length 60/Prev 68229/Root 415 0 R/Size 437/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream It abolished slavery in the United States. Irving E. Lowery, Life on the Old Plantation in Ante-Bellum Days, 1911, Group C: Excerpt from the conclusion of Holland Thompson, From the Cotton Field to the Cotton Mill: A Study of the Industrial Transition in North Carolina, 1906, Group D: The Resources of North Carolina: Its Natural Wealth, Condition, and Advantages, as Existing in 1869.

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