what was theseus weakness?

At Crete, Minos daughter Ariadne fell in love with Theseus and agreed to help him kill the Minotaur if he would take her with him to Athens. He had many lovers and wives throughout his storied career, including Ariadne, Antiope (sometimes called Hippolyta), Phaedra, and Helen. If you can demonstrate this mindset in an interview, youll surely impress the recruiter and get that much closer to a job offer. Then think about what youve done or plan to do to address them. Thus, the Athenians sent a religious mission to the island of Delos (one of Apollo's most sacred sanctuaries) on the Athenian state galleythe ship itselfto pay their fealty to the god. This has helped my energy levels and made me more detail-oriented.. Ive learned to mitigate this by setting a timer on my phone. Theseus followed Daedalus' instructions given to Ariadne: go forwards, always down, and never left or right. Their queens were said to be the daughters of the war god Ares. After an extended leave of absence, reentering the workforce can be scary. Most sources referred to the Amazon queen whom Theseus married as Antiope: Plutarch, Life of Theseus 26, 28; Diodorus of Sicily, Library of History 4.28; Pausanias, Description of Greece 1.2.1 and 1.41.7; Seneca, Phaedra 927ff; Hyginus, Fabulae 30. He asked the advice of his host Pittheus, king of Troezen. Show youre action-oriented and willing to try new things. the quality or state of being weak; also : an instance or period of being weak; fault, defect; a special desire or fondness See the full definition Theseus overpowered the Minotaur with his strength and stabbed the beast in the throat with his sword (according to one scholium on Pindar's Fifth Nemean Ode, Theseus strangled it).[8]. Plutarch's sources, not all of whose texts have survived independently, include Pherecydes (mid-fifthcenturyBCE), Demon (c. 400BCE), Philochorus, and Cleidemus (both fourthcenturyBCE). What were Theseus weaknesses? Theseus also features in the miniseries Helen of Troy (2003), in which he kidnaps Helen with his friend Pirithous. Before Theseus entered the Labyrinth, Ariadne gave him a ball of thread. But in my last role, I had no choice but to share my responsibilities multitasking wasnt an option. This type of response tells the recruiter you know whats expected of the position and whats necessary to do a great job. In later life he became king of Athens and a famous warrior. In the end, he was rescued by Heracles who had come to the underworld for his 12th task. (2022, November 29). Hercules. See also Diodorus of Sicily, Library of History 4.61.5; Pausanias, Description of Greece 1.20.3, 10.29.4; Catullus, Ode 64.116ff; Ovid, Heroides 10; Ovid, Art of Love 1.527ff; Ovid, Metamorphoses 8.174ff; Apollodorus, Epitome 1.9; Hyginus, Fabulae 43. 5. In a version recounted by the Roman playwright Seneca, entitled Phaedra, after Phaedra told Theseus that Hippolytus had raped her, Theseus called upon Neptune (as he did Poseidon in Euripides' interpretation) to kill his son. In some stories, Medea convinced Aegeus to send Theseus to slay the monstrous Bull of Marathon, hoping that the bull would kill him first. But you also acknowledge that, if left unchecked, talking too much can interfere with productivity which takes a lot of courage to admit. She tried to arrange to have Theseus killed by asking him to capture the Marathonian Bull, an emblem of Cretan power. [v] Like the others, Theseus was stripped of his weapons when they sailed. Minotaur | Definition, Story, Labyrinth, & Facts | Britannica Amazon woman; wife of Theseus; mother of Hippolytus. Perseus Digital Library. View on-demand BetterUp events and learn about upcoming live discussions. On Pirithous's behalf they rather unwisely traveled to the underworld, domain of Persephone and her husband Hades. But Aegeus recognized Theseus by the sword he was carrying (the sword he had left with Aethra at Troezen) and stopped him from drinking the poison. Its tempting to spin your weaknesses as your greatest strengths and vice versa. Instead, describe a different weakness that emphasizes your desire to be even better in your role. Will you lose your job in a recession? As a young girl, she was carried off by Theseus, but she was rescued by her brothers. Accessed April 15, 2021. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0104%3Aalphabetic+letter%3DT%3Aentry+group%3D13%3Aentry%3Dtheseus-bio-1. According to Plutarch's Life of Theseus, the ship Theseus used on his return from Minoan Crete to Athens was kept in the Athenian harbor as a memorial for several centuries. In Euripides tragedy Hippolytus, Phaedra hanged herself before Hippolytus was killed. How do you spin a weakness into a strength? Theseus. Mythopedia, November 29, 2022. https://mythopedia.com/topics/theseus. Theseus is sometimes described as the son of Aegeus, King of Athens, and sometimes as the son of the god Poseidon. Their ensued a long and fierce battle which came to an end when Theseus killed the monster with the sword Ariadne had given him. I can feel timid when providing feedback to others. Artemis would later tell Theseus the truth, promising to avenge her loyal follower on another follower of Aphrodite. According to some versions of the story, Hippolytus had scorned Aphrodite to become a follower of Artemis, so Aphrodite made Phaedra fall in love with him as punishment. Hades put him in his chair of forgetfulness, where his mind would go blank and they could not move. Plus, because you learned the skill on your own, youve showcased your commitment and initiative. The early modern name Theseion (Temple of Theseus) was mistakenly applied to the Temple of Hephaestus which was thought to be the actual site of the hero's tomb. It was not long before the Pallantides' hopes of succeeding the childless Aegeus would be lost if they did not get rid of Theseus (the Pallantides were the sons of Pallas and nephews of King Aegeus, who was then living at the royal court in the sanctuary of Delphic Apollo). Poseidon, unfortunately, heard Theseus prayer and sent a bull from the sea to charge Hippolytus as he was riding his chariot near the coast. Detail of the Aison cup showing Theseus slaying the Minotaur in the presence of Athena (c. 435415 BC). In some versions of the myth, the Amazons laid waste to the countryside of Attica and only left after Antiope was accidentally killed in battle.[9]. The Minotaur was imprisoned in the Labyrinth, a giant maze built by the Athenian architect Daedalus. Theseus killed Sinis using this same method. The attempted abduction of Persephone in particular became a permanent stain on Theseus reputation as a hero. He was fixed to the rock. If a building crumbles in a storm, it's probably because of a weakness a flaw or defect in its structure. Theseus weakness was that he liked danger. For example: if youre interviewing for a client relations job, a position-focused weakness is that you dont know your clients needs yet youll need time to set up meetings and get to know them better. In fact, the identity of Theseus father was kept secret from him until he had grown up and could prove himself. Theseus weakness was that he liked danger. Whether distracted by the loss of Ariadne or for some other reason, Theseus forgot to raise the white flag as he came back to Athens. Why is Theseus important? - KnowledgeBurrow.com Thereupon the party with Pallas dispersed," Plutarch reported.[7]. He told Aethra that if she had a son, she should wait until he had grown up and bring him to the stone. This increased my stress levels, and I never got enough rest, which eventually impacted my focus and quality of work. [6] So they set a trap for him. Hercules come to rescue him from the underworld. But, as you acknowledge in your answer, it ultimately does more harm than good. When Theseus leaves Ariadne, she becomes fueled with anger and loneliness, which causes her to easily fall in love with Dionysus, mending the broken heart she had because of Theseus. As he sat on the cliff's edge and washed the feet of the man who had only moments ago threatened to kill him, he peered over the rocky drop-off and saw a tremendous turtle waiting in the water beneath the cliff. In later times, some Athenians even traced the origins of democratic government to Theseus rule, even though Theseus was a king. Hercules was much stronger than Theseus, but Theseus made up for this small loss in other ways. He then goes on to unite Attica under Athenian rule: the synoikismos ('dwelling together'). 73 terms. I become easily frustrated when someone waits until the last minute to complete a task or otherwise disrupts my workflow. Ward, Anne G., ed. Her cryptic words were "Do not loosen the bulging mouth of the wineskin until you have reached the height of Athens, lest you die of grief." This made Zeus the strongest Greek god in Greek mythology. I can have a hard time staying organized, although not to the point where it affects my performance. Theseus welcomed the wandering Oedipus and helped Adrastus to bury the Seven against Thebes. Theseus came to the heart of the Labyrinth and upon the sleeping Minotaur. Messiness is a relatable and remediable weakness. Identify and list your real weaknesses. Theseus managed to outwit each man using his training and his intelligence, and he continued safely onto Athens where he met his father, King Aegeus. According to some sources, the sons of Pallas only attacked Theseus after he had ascended to the throne. To preserve the purity of the occasion, no executions were permitted between the time when the religious ceremony began to when the ship returned from Delos, which took several weeks.[10]. According to Homers version, which is completely different, Ariadne was killed by Artemis at Dionysus behest while Theseus was carrying her back to Athens (Homer, Odyssey 11.321325). This response shows youre willing to learn a new skill when the situation calls for it employee flexibility is critical if an employer hopes to keep you long-term. Theseus volunteers to fight Prince Theseus said that he was going to go with them and kill the Minotaur, to save these children and all the ones who might be sent in the future. After all, mythology is storytelling at its finest. In another version, King Minos had waged war with the Athenians and was successful. Persephone is, after all, a married goddess, and so Theseus behaviour towards her would not only have been considered immoral but also impious (Diod. Kapach, A. Minos asked Aegeus for his son's assassins, saying that if they were to be handed to him, the city would be spared. _____ The museum director said the broken vase was notreplaceable\mathit{not \ replaceable}notreplaceable. The Quest for Theseus. Aegeus's consort Medea recognized Theseus immediately as Aegeus' son and worried that Theseus would be chosen as heir to Aegeus' kingdom instead of her son Medus. No trace of such an oral tradition, which Homer's listeners would have recognized in Nestor's allusion, survived in the literary epic. He then demanded that, at nine-year intervals, seven Athenian boys and seven Athenian girls were to be sent to Crete to be devoured by the Minotaur, a half-man, half-bull monster that lived in the Labyrinth created by Daedalus. Forgetful. 423 BCE), where he helps retrieve and bury the bodies of the Argive heroes killed in the failed war of the Seven against Thebes.. Why did Poseidon curse Pasiphae? - TimesMojo Weakness - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com Why Is The Group Traveling To Canterbury? Origin. Not many heroes are best known for their use of silk thread to escape a crisis, but it is true of Theseus. The semi-mythical, semi-historical Theseus was the great hero of ancient Athens. How did he get out of trouble? Theseus escaped from the Labyrinth and killed the Minotaur. Ariadne weeps as Theseus' ship leaves her on the island of Naxos. [17] Upon hearing the news of Hippolytus' death at the hands of Neptune's sea monster, Phaedra died by suicide out of guilt, for she had not intended for Hippolytus to die. What dangerous creature did Theseus encounter in Crommyon? They left Helen with Theseus's mother, Aethra at Aphidna, whence she was rescued by the Dioscuri. When I started working remotely, I found it difficult to separate my work life from my home life. They were well known for their courage, strength, and pride, even to the furthest limits of the known world at the time. More than half of job interviewers assess you within 15 minutes of meeting you. FR. [15] Theseus, in an old tradition,[16] chose Helen, and together they kidnapped her, intending to keep her until she was old enough to marry. When he reaches Athens, he finds that Aegeus is married to Medea (formerly wife of Jason), who plots against him. But you can control how you prepare for the interview and put your best foot forward. Too blunt. On his way back to Athens, Aegeus stopped at Troezen, where he was entertained by King Pittheus. In the debate over the ratification of the Constitution, the Anti-Federalists most feared. But the specific way you struggled, the impact that had, and your current approach will be what sets your answer apart. Who Is The Famous King In Canterbury Tales? He took the place of one of the youths and set off with a black sail, promising to his father, Aegeus, that if successful he would return with a white sail. Theseus chose Helen, and Pirithous helped him abduct her from her father Tyndareus home in Sparta. On the surface, sacrificing your well-being for work may seem noble. Hyginus, Fabulae: A Latin mythological handbook (first or second century CE) that includes sections on the myths of Theseus. The six entrances to the underworld, more commonly known as the Six Labours, are as follows: When Theseus arrived in Athens, he did not reveal his true identity immediately. Neils, Jenifer. Theseus shows his bravery by entering the Labyrinth with only his hands and a ball of thread determined to kill the Minotaur and save his people. Theseus was a Greek hero in Greek mythology. Be prepared with a solution that demonstrates with a little extra effort, you have this weakness totally under control. By Naomi Reed / November 16, 2022. It was the offspring of Pasiphae, the wife of Minos, and a snow-white bull sent to Minos by the god Poseidon for sacrifice. Driven into exile, he came to Scyrus, a small island in the Aegean Sea. We fear the challenges he faces- Minotaurs, bandits, becoming trapped in Hades- as well as his foolishness. One band of them would march on the town from one side while another lay in wait near a place called Gargettus in ambush. Theseus was paired with the Roman founding hero Romulus. Now, in his later years he continues his bad behavior by kicking his wife, Hippolyta, to the curb to marry Ariadnes sister, Phaedra. Theseus finally died in exile, under suspicious circumstances. Aegeus, who was watching from a tower, saw the black flag and thought that his son had died. This attempt failed, however, and after Theseus killed the sons of Pallas he was secured as the heir to the throne of Athens.[4]. They like the biggest weakness interview question because your answer says a lot about your work values. What new government does Theseus establish in Athens? Mythopedia. Theseus (UK: /isjus/, US: /isis/; Greek: [tsus]) was the mythical king and founder-hero of Athens. To maintain control over the work, I implemented a project management system so I could follow up and make sure everything was done on time. As the most important hero of one of the most important ancient Greek cities, Theseus was well attested in the primary sources. Diodorus of Sicily, Library of History: A work of universal history, covering events from the creation of the cosmos to Diodorus own time (mid-first century BCE). He was known for helping the poor and less fortunate and also founded modern-day democracy. Theseus was said to have been responsible for the synoikismos (dwelling-together), the political and cultural unification of the region of Attica under the rule of the city-state of Athens.

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