dr lorraine day good news about god

Nobel Prize Winner who INVENTED the test!! Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author, was for fifteen years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. Click Here. 6 million is still the number trumpeted around the world! Share this: Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) . All rights reserved by goodnewsaboutgod.com and protected by An Open Tribute to SATAN! They would assimilate into the country of their residence instead of remaining separate. Mad Cow Disease God created All persons equal. The rank and file Jews have no idea how expendable they are considered by their own leaders. The Communist goals: the elitists will own everything, the middle class will be eliminated either by murdering them or confiscating all their property and possessions, thus allowing only two classes to remain - the elitists and the slaves! These neo-cons are communists dressed up in Republican clothes who have infiltrated and taken over the Republican party AND the entire U.S. Government. But there IS a way out of the trouble, and that information is available on this website. Yet, the top-level Zionist Jews would sacrifice the rank and file Jew in an instant if it serves their own selfish purpose of total domination of the World! Shem was one of the sons of Noah). She warns against trusting the medical profession and claims that all drugs can cause cancer. As a member of the Knights of Malta, and by virtue of your blood oath of obedience to the Pope, you are required to support to the death the desires of the head of the Order of the Knights of Malta - in this case, the Pope - over and above any other allegiance you may feel or pretend to feel toward any other loyalty - such as a loyalty to the Constitution of the united States of America. In other words, Universalists believe that God will not require that sinners stop sinning and become changed into the image of God. For more information on this subject, see Judaisms Strange Gods by Michael A. Hoffman II. But she continued to refuse conventional cancer treatment and persisted in her dedication to natural therapies. Gentiles Goyim: The word Gentiles has nothing to do with ethnicity even though today, it is a word used by cultural Jews as a derogatory term for non-Jews. It means beast, cattle, or sub-human. It began in the late 19th Century and attained its stated objective with the creation in 1948 of the state of Israel by the United Nations (at the insistence of the United States and without the agreement of existing Middle Eastern states). . Bilderbergers: The Bilderberger Group coercively manipulates global finances and establishes rigid and binding monetary rates around the world. The Talmud: A vast collection of Jewish laws and traditions, the Talmud, is Judaisms holiest book(s). This book contains the biblical information Dr. Day learned in her "journey" to Knowing God and Getting Well from her severe, advanced cancer. Is one a Jew because his religion is Judaism and he goes to Temple? You will notice that this web site has no advertisers and does not solicit donations, two situations that tend to compromise any Truth-teller. This automatically made the Jews enemies of the State by any nations laws. Dr. Lorraine Day has a story to tell. In that case is he a Cultural Jew? by Lillian McDermott | Jan 14, 2021 | Podcasts | 0 comments. There are various levels of witchcraft, from the festivals and seasonal days of celebration - to outright Satanism, the worship of Satan. Communism is defined by the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto. There was no J in the Greek or English alphabet until around the 14th century, or later, certainly not at the time the Bible was written. so you can be given access to each Bible study. Bill Gates: The Jews Plan to Kill Six BILLION Gentiles! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Mission: To Tell Truth The Jews are Destroyers! The Bible translators have mistranslated the word nations , a term that refers to the people who did not know the one true God of the Bible, by using the word, Gentiles. Human Rights Tribunals are operational in Canada and Germany, and are completely controlled by the Zionist Jews. Chip in for gas - $10 goes a long way! Promote the Pope as the acting go-between for the United States and the Soviet Union. The rank and file Jews must be made to believe that non-Jews want them dead, and that millions of Jews were killed because Hitler, apparently for NO REASON except blatant bigotry, ordered their death. Promote the United Nations as the hope for peace. When she was speaking out publicly, in the late 80s and early 90s, on the governments cover-up of HIV/AIDS, she was invited to be a guest on virtually all the major news and talk shows in America including, Nightline, CNN Crossfire, Oprah Winfrey, 60 Minutes, and many others, their objective being to attempt to destroy her credibility. Their plans would be foiled! In other words, if the defendant is accused by the State of lying and the defendant can prove that he has, indeed, told the TRUTH, he is exonerated he is NOT guilty. To join the Live Online FREE Bible Study: I do NOT believe in Supremacy of ANY person, ethnicity, group, organization or nation above another. Other Books and Videos Anti-Christianity: A term that is all but absent from the vocabulary of the population even though it is being practiced daily all over the world, including in America. One who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and one who exhibits the character and disposition of Jesus Christ. Those who are presently members of the Knights of Malta must on penalty of death support those policies advocated by the Vatican. Kabbalah: A system of Jewish mysticism, essentially witchcraft, that has recently become popular especially with many actors in Hollywood, the majority of whom are Jewish, including Madonna, Demi Moore, Roseanne Barr, and many others. It is advertised as the organization that assists governments in improving national health services and in establishing worldwide standards for foods, chemicals, and biological and pharmaceutical products. Very few people realize that the Zionist Jewish version of the Holocaust, what the revisionists refer to as the Holocaust Hoax, is the CENTERPIECE of the Zionist Jews Plan to destroy all nations, control the entire world, slaughter most of the population of the earth, and reduce the rest to slaves. Contacting Dr. Day In 1993, Dr. Day was diagnosed with breast cancer, biopsy proven at two major medical centers in California. The word Israelite has no relationship to the word Israeli which describes those who presently live in the state of Israel. For decades, America has been pummeled non-stop with Holocaust propaganda. Super Starter Package Testimonials It uses its influence to infiltrate the New World Order into American life. The dancing couple have been parading their slimmed down . Double Blind Cancel Culture is really Demonization! Turn on the Light: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression 6.Without the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust, and the fear that THIS could happen again, the rank and file Jew would not be so willing to risk his or her life to live in Israel, under rotten conditions - in a state of almost constant war - in order to secure the homeland for their leaders. The original Greek word is Iudean (later changed to Judean) and referred to an area in Palestine inhabited in Bible times mainly by those who worshiped the true God. What Can I Do if I have Already been Tested For thirty years, Dr. Day, who was raised in the Christian church, had been an agnostic but when confronted with what was diagnosed as terminal cancer, she knew she needed more help than human knowledge could offer. Lorraine Day, M.D. They lure people away from God by offering them money, the world, the flesh, and the devil. THIS is what is coming to America! Truth-tellers are becoming an extinct breed. We use it to change behavior. Truth empowers and uplifts. To join the Live Online FREE Bible Study: E-mail your full name and e-mail address to United States copyright law. Karl Marx was a Jew. America has been combined with Canada and Mexico and we have inherited One World Religion/Ecumenism: The New World Order, run from behind the scenes by the Zionist Jews, plans to use religion to bring the masses into their fold. They understand that man has a desire to worship, although they are unaware that it is God Who created this desire in man. This Truth, coming from the Auschwitz Camp curator himself, is reaching the general population causing increasing investigation into these crucial events. (Mark 7:1-13). Encouraged to relocate in Israel because of their experience as farmers, work that the eastern European Jews feel is beneath them, the Iraqi Jews are treated as second class citizens because they work with their hands. The present Pope, former Cardinal Ratzinger, may well be a German Jew (Ratzinger is a Jewish name), and the Black Pope, Jesuit General Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, could not look more Jewish. If one was an atheist or worshiped pagan gods, he was termed as one of the nations or an Unbeliever.. Look for a Sinister Agenda, Dr. Lorraine Day gives Update on Covid 19 on Anti-Semitism: Here is the definition of Anti-Semitism from the lips of a Jew: Anti-Semitism does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. Microwave Weapons in Our Home? While on earth, Jesus made a direct reference to the Talmud when he denounced the Pharisees, the leaders of the synagogue, for voiding the Scripture by teaching the traditions of men. But Americans and others around the world need to know the truth. They are ruthless demons. By so doing, they believe that they are hastening the return of Jesus Christ. (Please see Who is the Church? Force is used by Communism on Third world countries, whereas Fabian Socialism is reserved for First world countries, like the United States, Great Britain and Australia. Jew: Who is a Jew? Jewishness is a culture, not an ethnicity. This is a blatantly UNBIBILICAL doctrine. This web site is owned and operated by Lorraine Day, M.D. Dr. Lorraine Day, an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. I believe that Christianity is NOT a religion, it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. *Hans Blix, the UN Chief Weapons Inspector whose information about Iraqi supposed weapons of mass destruction was instrumental in the decision by the U.S. (Neo-cons) administration to invade Iraq, is Jewish. Today, the Order is a part of the York Rite in Freemasonry. . Their Agents The covert goal of the World Health Organization is to decrease the population in all countries of the world, especially the third world, by 1) vaccinations that CAUSE rather than prevent disease, 2) forced birth control, abortion and sterilization, 3) manufactured famines by weather control (creation of droughts), terminator seeds (seeds that dont produce seeds), and withholding of meaningful medical care during pandemics, such as the AIDS pandemic in Africa. That is why the Zionist Jews are stepping up their vengeful plan of intimidation and imprisonment of those who tell the truth. Title: Dr. Lorraine Day Tells What's Alternative Cancer Therapies Covid-19 Scamdemic We do not apologize., Catherine Bertini, Executive Director U.N. World Food Program Beijing, China, U.N. 4th World Conference on Women, September, 1995. It is absolutely essential that all Jews, in particular, and everyone else, in general, believe the Zionist Jews version of the Holocaust, for the following reasons. In today's show originally broadcast on April 12 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Lorraine Day for a show entitled, "Cognitive Dissonance In Politics, Religion, And Medicine." . Exposing the Enemy! So instead, they viciously attack the messenger. But the tumor soon recurred, became very aggressive and grew rapidly. Government Lockdown? You trust me, don't you?" On this edition of The Realist Report, we're joined once again by Dr. Lorraine Day.We begin by discussing her background and experience in the medical field before moving on to address the alleged "pandemic" caused by COVID-19, a so-called "novel coronavirus" that reportedly originated in China. Eighty to ninety percent of all the Jews in the world have NO Semitic ancestry, they are Khazars - - of Gentile origin, barbarian Mongol Turks, from the area of Khazaria (now the Caucasus portion of Western Russia), people who, in about 740 A.D., accepted the religion and/or culture of Judaism. The Communists, a group dominated by the Zionist Jews, claim they will bring peace to the world. . The U.S. Government has NO Accurate Numbers . Promote UNESCO, the deadly educational and cultural arm of the United Nations. Are the Vaccinated Shedding and, It only matters if the people in control are offended by what the defendant has said. Our Life Miserable! Iraqi Jews who have immigrated to Israel have been the object of bigotry and prejudice by the eastern European Jews in Israel. Proceed to: The Way, The Truth and The Life. Knights Templar: The Order of the Knights Templar has its roots in the Crusades. Subscribe to The Realist Report today, and support pro-White independent media! will be answered by Dr. Day at the end of the Bible Study. NO ONE Dies from the Flu! Support sanctions honoring Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - the New Age Humanist Priest. More LIES from the Government! The forensic evidence regarding the Holocaust, hard facts painstakingly collected by the Holocaust Revisionists, will stand up in any impartial court of law completely refuting the supposed eye witness accounts of survivors, and the Zionist Jews know that! The A communist, Haus was part of a conspiracy to gain control of both U.S. political parties to use them as instruments in the creation of a socialist (communist) world government. Their Ultimate Plan: 1) Crash the Economy world-wide, 2) Begin Culling the Herd with Deadly Vaccinations, 3) Create Problems that Seem so Huge that the people will gladly accept the Satanic One World Government to Save the World!!! Los Angeles, California Feb 11, 2021 ( Issuewire.com) - Alex Stein, the Conspiracy Castle founder, has released an interview with Dr. Lorraine Day on Conspiracy Castle's . Instead, our teacher will be Lorraine Day, MD. January 1, 2023 Holocaust: A term that for years was defined as any devastating event. By supplying arms and money to both sides in wars, the Illuminati divide and conquer, instigating peoples of the world to fight and kill each other to achieve the Zionist Jews objective of world control. They also were invited to the recent Iranian Holocaust Revisionist Conference, thereby revealing that they also have deceived the President of Iran. In wicca or witchcraft, the earth the creation - is worshipped, whereas in Christianity, the Creator is worshipped. So the great debate about Who runs the New World Order, the Jesuits of the Catholic Church or the Jews, doesnt need to take place? The more one becomes involved at any level of wicca or witchcraft, the more he or she will come under the control of Satan. This web site attacks the Lies, and NOT the person. There is NO New Mutant Strain of Covid-19! At one point she was not expected to live through the night. Why? To watch the videos of the previous Bible Studies: The roster of the 2,900 CFR members reads like a whos who of the elite politicians, media, financiers, businessmen, military and educators. The word Israelite and the word Jew are not synonymous. He Loves Me. It is Israels plan to use the armed forces of the United States, the sons and daughters of Americans, to fight and die for the so-called War on Terror which is nothing more than Israeli expansionism of their own borders, Israels plan to take over all the oil-rich nations in middle east, Israels plan to wipe out the Palestinians and as many Arabs as possible from the face of the earth, and eventually rule the world with an iron fist. LIE Upon LIE Upon LIE! the FAKE Pandemic is Real! In its current form, Zionism seeks to dominate all of Palestine and the Middle East by means of violence and the threat of violence (using weapons manufactured and purchased with billions of dollars of "aid" supplied by the United States), and to maximize its influence in world affairs and in world history, principally by means of control of the government of the US (primarily by blackmailing its many corrupt politicians), at the expense of the social well-being not only of the Palestinians but of the peoples of all lands. Its agenda is to enrich its members at the expense of the human rights of the people, promote and condone environmental degradation worldwide solely for profit, remove all traces of national sovereignty from every nation, and create a One World Government. While the name New World Order is a term frequently used today when referring to this group, it's more useful to identify the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who make up this vast interlocking spider web of elite conspirators, including the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Committee of 300, to name a few. Virology: There is NO EVIDENCE of the Polio virus, Care for Your OWN Health! Unfortunately, this type of torture is now becoming common in U.S. prisons on U.S. soil, many of which are owned by a company called Wackenhut, a company owned and run by former CIA personnel. ALL of the information written on this web site has been written by Lorraine Day, M.D., who is totally responsible for its content, with the exception of links to other documentation to support this web site information. Vladimir Lenin (real name Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) was a Jew, as were approximately 80% of all the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution. Read the More than 20 things they're doing to CRUSH America and form a Jewish, Communist, Bolshevik Global Government! The United States is a colony of Israel. Then Isaac and Rebecca had twin sons, Jacob and Esau. * Jewish Zionism is the First Beast of Revelation, Chapter 13. Subsequently, they moved to the pagan area of Canaan. George W. Bush has spoken publicly about this issue, threatening to establish Human Rights Tribunals in America and in the different countries where torture prisons are run by the U.S. (and Israel from behind the scenes). Their group includes a) Richard Perle, Advisor to the Pentagon, Paul Wolfowitz, present President of the World Bank and former Undersecretary of Defense, under Donald Rumsfeld, who Wolfowitz controlled, b) Richard Perle, Advisor to the Pentagon, c) Douglas Feith, former Undersecretary of State, under Wolfowitz, c) William Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard, and a seemingly favorite TV guest on political matters, and others. But as The BIG Jew, Bertrand Russell, wrote in his book, The Impact of Science on Society, Really high-minded people are indifferent to suffering, especially the suffering of others.. We Already HAVE a One World Government! LIE Upon LIE Upon LIE! On the other hand, there are some Jews who believe they are better than other ethnic groups, just as some whites, Asians, and others may believe they are superior. YOU May Not Believe in a Real SATAN - But the Zionism - 1) Jewish Zionism, and, 2) Christian Zionism: Jewish Zionism: Zionism represents itself as a political movement concerned principally with the establishment of a state in Palestine to be controlled by and for Jews. Communism, Jewish Lies and How They Plan to Kill us, To Learn Who Rules Over You, Simply Find Out Who You are NOT They much prefer that the rank and file Jews risk their lives in Israel so the BIG BOYS can own the world! What Do I Need to Get Started on the Health Plan? This decrease of almost 3 million, straight from the mouth of the Auschwitz Camp Curator, should reduce by HALF, the total of 6 million supposedly killed in the Holocaust. We should no longer hear about the 6 million. If any number is used by the Jews, it should be 3 million. A true Christian will exhibit the character of Christ, and therefore will always be a pacifist, will not support war of any kind, will love his or her enemies, and will do good to those who hate him or her. The new international economic Order (world government). This term, anti-Semitism, is often incorrectly used by Jews to smear and discredit non-Jews who are looking for truth in history. The majority of Israelis are atheists, and therefore do not qualify as Israelites - worshipers of the true God. Other Zionist Jewish neo-cons include Paul Wolfowitz, now Chairman of the World Bank, Douglas Feith, formerly Undersecretary of Defense, Richard Perle, advisor to the Pentagon, and Dov Zakheim, former Comptroller of the Pentagon, on whose watch a Trillion dollars went missing. The Pope as the head of the Vatican is also the head of a foreign national power. The members of these churches sit at the feet of their pastors, with great adoration, imbibing every word they speak. There is no such thing as an ethnic Jew. I do not believe in violence, I don't believe in war of any kind and I don't believe in guns for self-defense even though I uphold every U.S. citizen's right to bear arms according to the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. From there, the One World Religion will preach that God and Jesus Christ do not exist, a religion of Secular Humanism - atheism. He was a Babylonian, from Ur of the Chaldees (Babylon). The United States, at this time in history, has a Communist government, whether you want to believe it or not. "Come get your vaccine like a good slave, goyim. Or is one a Jew because his family is Jewish even though he may not be religious? One has to pick his master: God or Satan. His wife, Sarah, was also a Babylonian, and they were married in Ur of the Chaldees - Babylon. 4 DVD Package 9. Without truth, the world will plunge again into the Dark Ages. He is also considered by many to be the Mastermind behind 9/11. In the Bible, these terms have nothing to do with ethnicity. God Doesnt Need Any HelpFrom Bill Gates! says Lorraine Day M.D. The Jewish Tribune of New York, on October 28, 1927, stated; Masonry is based on Judaism. . Lorraine Day, M.D., an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best-selling author, was for fifteen years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. If one tells the truth about the Jews, such as The Jews own Hollywood (something they admit to each other), or The Jews own the media (something they brag about among themselves), one is considered an anti-Semite., This is a clever subterfuge to eliminate any criticism of any Jew for any thing. According to the rules of the Human Rights Tribunals in Canada, Germany and many other countries, it doesnt matter if what the defendant has said is TRUE! Jacob Rothschild, the Rockefellers, George Soros, The CORONA Virus - - means the CROWN Virus. These BIG Jews dont want their lives endangered! 12. Stress Success (5 CD Set) God will save them IN their sins. Now, through the Neo-Cons, the Communists now own the Republican Party, as well. But as noted above, the leaders of the coming One World Government KNOW that humanity has a need to worship. He Loves Me Not. In today's show originally broadcast on December 13 2022, Andy is joined by Dr. Lorraine Day for a show entitled, "The New Cashless Money That Expires". But God never forces. Their intention is to effect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world's population by 5.5 Billion people. If one group is effectively in control of national governments and multinational corporations; promotes world government through control of media, foundation grants, and education; and controls and guides the issues of the day; then they control most options available. Questions on Dentistry Calls for nations to trust the United Nations. More Important Facts EVERYONE Should Know! The. (for all books, videos & audios), Those who join Live will be able to ask questions that. Israelites: A term used in the Old Testament to define those who were followers of the true God, even though some followed God very poorly. Its a feel-good religion. Don't worry about the CoronaVirus! Herd Immunity is a LIE - and Fauci KNOWS it! Esau was the father of the Edomite nation and NO ONE considers the Edomites Jewish. How could Jacob be Jewish if his twin brother was NOT Jewish? or ANY OTHER VIRUSES! The CDC is LYING to you AGAIN! We discussed: the contrast between San Francisco today and San Francisco fifty years ago; why Dr. Day's hospital featured in the classic Steve McQueen movie "Bullitt" released in . But now mainline Christian Churches are embracing this error, and the Bible predicts that the whole world will follow after the Beast. (Revelation 13:3). Jews have no right to point the finger at anyone else for bigotry while they humiliate, mutilate and assassinate the Palestinians, and while the Jews hold as holy a book (the Talmud) that denigrates all non-Jews as beasts. And thrive there? The brand of Christianity taught to these Christians rarely leads to the development of strength of character, a strength that can withstand serious persecution. Evidence of this is found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): My son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah (Old Testament)., The Talmud nullifies the Bible by permitting and encouraging virtually everything the Bible defines as Sin!

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