which statement is true regarding the models of abnormality?

The pairing must occur more than once so that needless pairings are not learned such as someone farting right before your food comes out and now you salivate whenever someone farts (at least for a while. b. behavior-focused therapists. 40. For each category, we have a schema, or a set of beliefs and expectations about a group of people, presumed to apply to all members of the group, and based on experience. b. existential This should sound much like what you just read about in terms of Thorndikes work. c. identified an external source as the cause of abnormal behavior. b. the libido. Nikolai runs past, grabs some of the cookies, and runs away. This criticism would be true of behaviorisms first two stages, though sociobehaviorism steered away from this proposition and even fought against any mechanistic leanings of behaviorists. As you can learn desirable behaviors such as watching how your father bags groceries at the grocery store (I did this and still bag the same way today), you can learn undesirable ones too. A health care provider prescribes disulfiram (Antabuse) for a client with alcoholism. c. enmeshed. c. There is a decreasing need for couple therapy based on current divorce rates. What happened to that bad behavior that had disappeared? Genetic issues and explanations. b. d. synapses. a. to lessen the power of thoughts b. to stop the client from comparing himself or herself to others c. to decrease internal negative self-talk d. to increase awareness of why the client behaves a certain way. The ego attempts to mediate the desires of the id against the demands of reality, and eventually, the moral limitations or guidelines of the superego. d. frustrating the client. d. cognitive-behavioral. Your romantic partner of four years ends the relationship suddenly and cuts off all contact. d. countertransference. b. a severe mental illness and who is not a candidate for brain stimulation therapy. They are tied to experiences early in life. 133. 157. This form of learning is called: a. shaping. What is this therapy? The psychologist who would MOST closely agree with this statement would be described as: a. behavioral. Respondent conditioning (also called classical or Pavlovian conditioning) occurs when we link a previously neutral stimulus with a stimulus that is unlearned or inborn, called an unconditioned stimulus. To stop some undesirable behavior you made in the past, they likely took away some privilege. Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. b. self-actualizing. C) It is caused by genetics, chemical influences, and brain structural defects. So, it is better to subscribe to a multi-dimensional model that integrates multiple causes of psychopathology and affirms that each cause comes to affect other causes over time. Multicultural theorists would explain the higher levels of mental illness among poor people as MOST likely due to: Which group BEST reflects those who may benefit from couple therapy? d. short-term psychodynamic therapy. For example, some women may experience symptoms of mental disorders at times of hormone change, such as perinatal depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and perimenopause-related depression. Hypnosis was used at first and relieved her symptoms, as it had done for many patients (See Module 1). Abnormal behavior in the family causes an individual to develop dual personalities: one for the public and one for at home. c. Behavior that one group would classify as abnormal may be the norm in another group. 71. Chances are you are already accepting the unknown in some areas of life and identifying these can help you to see why it is helpful in these areas, and how you can apply this in more difficult areas. c. cognitive-behavioral therapy. Mood stabilizers are used to treat bipolar disorder and, at times, depression, schizoaffective disorder, and disorders of impulse control. But did you ever go to your grandparents house and grandma or grandpaor worse, BOTHtook pity on you and let you play your video games (or something equivalent)? The axon sends signals/information to neighboring neurons while the dendrites, which resemble little trees, receive information from neighboring neurons. Communication in the nervous system. c. superego. Models aid us with doing all of this. 109. d. classical conditioning. Would you want notes from the student in the front or back of the class? Over time, he begins to understand how events in his early life have impacted how he functions now. d. case studies. A patient has loss of neurons in the cortex and the basal ganglia. a. The MOST likely consequence of having acquired conditions of worth is: a. social isolation. The perspectives do offer hope to people suffering tragedy by asserting that we control our destiny and can make our own choices. Anti-anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines are effective in relieving anxiety and take effect more quickly than the antidepressant medications (or buspirone) often prescribed for anxiety. Conditioning is when learning occurs. This statement aligns MOST closely with the beliefs of which type of theorist? Figure 2.8. d. classical conditioning. Does extinction happen as soon as the anticipated reinforcer is removed? It is the most commonly used biological treatment for mental disorders. Evaluating the cognitive model. A person who is isolated and lacks social support or intimacy is more likely to: a. develop depression when under stress. Still, the sociocultural model suffers from unclear findings and not allowing for the establishment of causal relationships, reliance on more qualitative data gathered from case studies and ethnographic analyses (one such example is Zafra, 2016), and an inability to make predictions about abnormal behavior for individuals. a. very small; selectively b. large; selectively c. large; openly d. small; openly, 142. It has several structures in common with all cells in the body. Freud considered the talking cure of Anna O. to be the origin of psychoanalytic therapy and what would come to be called the cathartic method. Outline observational learning/social-learning theory and the work of Bandura. b. classic Freudian psychotherapy. With regard to assessing the effectiveness of the various models of abnormality, which model BEST lends itself to laboratory testing? His name is In Module 2, we will discuss three models of abnormal behavior to include the biological, psychological, and sociocultural models. None of the models are complete within themselves. According to Freuds psychodynamic theory, ineffective interaction of the id, ego, and superego can result in a person becoming stuck at a developmental level. Evaluate the usefulness of the cognitive model. d. Genes do not interact with the environment. In the business setting, a model or trainer demonstrates how to use a computer program or run a register for a new employee. a. psychodynamic b. the evolution of adaptive and maladaptive behavior is fundamentally different. It was fun for me to swim in a lake near my house as a child. If this is true, how can we know anything about controversial matters? Researchers who have looked into the link between religious devotion and psychological well-being have come to the following conclusion that: What are the three parts of personality according to Freud? 111. d. reality principle. According to psychoanalytic theory, which statement is TRUE about dreams? Which is an example of latent content? A reliance on medication for treatment and a belief that psychological illness is. 18. This approach came to be called client-centered therapy. First, we cannot pay attention to everything going on around us. This action MOST strongly suggests that the _____ is firmly in control of Nikolai. Life involves a degree of uncertainty, and at times we must accept this. The answer is yes, and one of two outcomes is possible. Imagine that you subscribe to the sociocultural model of abnormality. You might make the case that some of the side effects are worse than the condition they are treating. d. transference. She has developed depression due to a serotonin deficiency. d. a severe disorder and who has not responded to any other therapies over years of treatment. They also focus on life-enhancing experiences like relationships, love, caring, commitment, courage, creativity, power, will, presence, spirituality, individuation, self-actualization, authenticity, acceptance, transcendence, and awe. For more information, please visit: https://www.psychologytoday.com/therapy-types/existential-therapy. We will cover this process in three parts. The nucleus is the control center of the neuron, and the soma is the cell body. Some are naturally occurring, while others need to be learned. c. A boy is internally motivated to put forth his best effort on his science project. This approach stresses the need for people to re-create themselves continually and be self-aware, acknowledges that anxiety is a normal part of life, focuses on free will and self-determination, emphasizes that each person has a unique identity known only through relationships and the search for meaning, and finally, that we develop to our maximum potential. This is an example of: a. shaping. 49. Module 2: Models of Abnormal Psychology by Washington State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. A self-help group differs from group therapy in that the self-help group: A primary prevention approach is expected to be MOST beneficial for mental health issues with: Which phrase would one be MOST likely to hear in a self-help group? d. They are the brains attempts to understand abnormal electrical activity. Your first semester of college, you have several midterms you need to study for. A primary prevention approach is expected to be MOST beneficial for mental health issues with: a. unknown causes. b. neurotransmitters. Fortunately, the work of George Miller, Albert Ellis, Aaron Beck, and Ulrich Neisser demonstrated the importance of cognitive abilities in understanding thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, and in the case of psychopathology, show that people can create their problems by how they come to interpret events experienced in the world around them. The objective of the Human Genome Project was to: a. clone a mammal. d. Each model views childhood trauma as a factor contributing to abnormal behavior. A feminist therapist would MOST likely focus on: how prejudice and discrimination impact women. Recall that a neuron is usually at resting potential and polarized. c. psychodynamic A patient has social anxiety disorder. Mental illness itself occurs from the interaction of multiple genes and other factorssuch as stress, abuse, or a traumatic eventwhich can influence, or trigger, an illness in a person who has an inherited susceptibility to it (https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/mental-health-causes-mental-illness#1). a. depression b. Huntingtons disease c. social anxiety disorder d. schizophrenia. Really, the sky is the limit with reinforcers in particular. The important thing to understand is that not all behaviors occur due to reinforcement and punishment as operant conditioning says. Explain the need for a multi-dimensional model of abnormality. a. psychodynamic b. sociocultural c. humanist-existential d. cognitive-behavioral. The strategies arise from all three learning models. Messages moving from neuron to neuron must cross tiny spaces called: Which model of abnormality focuses on learning and the thinking that underlies behavior? If I do X, then Y will happen. This represents the psychodynamic models _____ assumption. With which type of schedule would you expect a person to stop responding to immediately if reinforcement is not there? Pavlov realized some stimuli automatically elicited responses (such as salivating to meat powder) and other stimuli had to be paired with these automatic associations for the animal or person to respond to it (such as salivating to a bell). d. fixation. Depression occurs with greater frequency in women than men. As you might expect, if reinforcement occurs after extinction has started, the behavior will re-emerge. c. Its use is controversial because it requires surgical implantation of electrodes. A therapist pays close attention to what their client has to say and then makes an effort to show accurate empathy and sincerity in their responses. If my father seems genuinely happy and pleased with himself after bagging groceries his way, then I will be more likely to adopt this behavior. b. humanistic-existential. 147. b. resistance. Try figuring out if you genuinely do not have time to go to the gym by recording what you do each day and then look at open times of the day. She felt confined and suffocated in this life and took to a fantasy world she called her private theater. Anna also developed hysteria, including symptoms such as memory loss, paralysis, disturbed eye movements, reduced speech, nausea, and mental deterioration. d. One-fourth of all treated couples eventually separate or divorce. c. phallic stage. A health care provider prescribes disulfiram (Antabuse) for a client with alcoholism. The nervous system moves quickly with nerve impulses moving in a few hundredths of a second. As a result, he developed a positive and generous attitude toward the world. The paradigms are sometimes in conflict. 41. b. map, or sequence, genes. Describe commonly used treatments for mental illness. b. operant conditioning. Hence, we advocate for a multi-dimensional and not a uni-dimensional model. When treating religious patients, it is recommended that mental health professionals: a. avoid discussing religion. Personality develops over five distinct stages in which the libido focuses on different parts of the body. It might be that the disorder causes dysfunction in the family, rather than the dysfunctional family causing the disorder. Marie comes from a supportive, loving family and has a stable socioeconomic background. This dream is interpreted to reflect the patients emotional stress over losing her mother, who is terminally ill. The uni-dimensional model proposes a single factor as the cause of psychopathology while the multi-dimensional model integrates multiple causes of psychopathology and affirms that each cause comes to affect other causes over time. Since that time, I've never been able to swim in a lake. Regret orientation Focusing on what you could have done better in the past rather than on improving now. A general term used for Freud's, Adler's, and Jung's theories is: The _____ operates in accord with the pleasure principle. This is an example of behavior modification using: With mindfulness-based therapy techniques, clients would MOST likely be encouraged to: let their thoughts flow, without judgment. Once free, the cat was allowed to eat some food before being promptly returned to the box. Shonda responds by changing the subject. a. id b. superego c. self d. ego, 38. d. bipolar disorder. c. psychoanalysts. 61. First, Freud made most of his observations in an unsystematic, uncontrolled way, and he relied on the case study method. According to Freuds psychodynamic theory, the part of the personality that operates by the morality principle is the: a. id. 46. Most report that their symptoms decline, leading them to feel better and improve their functioning. Conditioning, or a type of associative learning, occurs when two separate events become connected. If you do not believe you do anything right, list evidence of when you did not do something right and then evidence of when you did. What form of psychotherapy is ChaeWoo receiving? The nervous system consists of two main parts the central and peripheral nervous systems. Hormones are important to psychologists because they manage the nervous system and body tissues at certain stages of development and activate behaviors such as alertness or sleepiness, sexual behavior, concentration, aggressiveness, reaction to stress, and a desire for companionship.

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