For example, the following threshold IP exceeds the 64-character limit: This results in the following error in the Suricata log: The solution is to break the ip field into multiple entries like this: A suppression rule allows you to make some finer grained decisions about certain rules without the onus of rewriting them. Check out our NIDS tuning video at! Write your rule, see Rules Format and save it. Security Onion uses idstools to download new signatures every night and process them against a set list of user generated configurations. Between Zeek logs, alert data from Suricata, and full packet capture from Stenographer, you have enough information to begin identifying areas of interest and making positive changes to your security stance. Nodes will be configured to pull from but this URL does not actually exist on the Internet, it is just a special address for the manager proxy. These non-manager nodes are referred to as salt minions. At those times, it can be useful to query the database from the commandline. Please note! To enable the Talos Subscriber ruleset in an already installed grid, modify the /opt/so/saltstack/local/pillar/minions/